When a tooth needs a root canal it’s because the tooth pulp inside has become infected. If left untreated, tooth decay can permanently damage the tooth or even cause the tooth to die. If you are in pain and suspect you need root canal therapy, we recommend you contact our experienced dentist as soon as possible.
In this blog post, we will explain what can infect the dental pulp and the kind of restorative dentistry needed to
.What is an abscessed tooth?
You’ll know your tooth is abscessed when you feel an ache in the bone around the tooth. Other signs you need a root canal include swelling or redness of the gums, painful gums, fever, and having a bad taste in your mouth.
An abscess happens when a cavity is deep enough to breach the dental pulp inside your tooth. Once the pulp is infected, it can create an abscess in the gums around the tooth. An abscess is a swollen area in your gums that contain pus.
If left untreated, an abscess can start to push the tooth out of its socket. An abscess can also burst, spreading the infection to your jawbone and other areas of your head and neck.
What can damage tooth pulp?
The tooth pulp is the live tissue inside your teeth. Most of us can go for years without even thinking about tooth pulp until you experience dental discomfort or pain.
Tooth pulp can become infected or inflamed when the tooth undergoes repeated dental procedures. Tooth injuries (such as cracks and chips) and severe tooth decay can also damage the dental pulp in your teeth.
What happens during root canal therapy?
The root canal treatment to save the tooth from dying.
depends on its severity. If you catch an in its early stages, your dentist can treat it with antibiotics or by draining the pus. However, if the tooth becomes infected, you will needThe first thing your dentist will do is locally anesthetize the area around the tooth so you don’t experience any pain during the procedure. Next, your dentist will drill a small hole near the top of the infected tooth. Through this hole, your dentist will be able to access the inside of your tooth to clear away the damaged and diseased dental pulp.
For good measure, your dentist may flush the inside of the tooth with water and an antimicrobial solution to make sure any remaining pulp is removed. A temporary filling is used to seal the hole until your permanent root canal crown is ready to be placed. The permanent crown will be placed when you come back for your second appointment.
Request an Appointment With Us
Dr. Suk Jun Yun is a root canal dentist in Grand Rapids, MI, who is accepting new patients! To request an appointment with the NorthPointe Family Dental & Implant Center, call northpointefamilydental@gmail.com.
This blog post has been updated.