Our Grand Rapids dental team strive to care for all of your oral health needs at our full-service dental office. Our desire to offer our patients comprehensive oral health care remains strong. Whether you are visiting us to have your wisdom teeth removed or to get fitted for a nightguard, we are here to serve you.
While many of these dental services are often seen as routine, we understand that they are essential to your proper growth and overall health and therefore, should not be overlooked.
In addition to the preventative, cosmetic, and restorative dental services, the Grand Rapids dentist at NorthPointe Family Dental provide the following dental treatments:
- Digital X-Ray
- Wisdom Teeth Removal
- Sedation Dentistry
- Mouthguards & Nightguards
- Orthodontics
- Types of Braces
- Emergency Dental Care
- Extractions
If you are interested in hearing more about any of our dental treatments and services, please contact our Grand Rapids dentists at (616) 288-6134. At NorthPointe Family Dental, our dental team strive to help all of our patients achieve the dynamic smile they have always wanted!