Do you have a dental phobia? Don’t wait until you have an unbearable toothache before scheduling an appointment. Our experienced dentist can help with any concerns you may have.
Sedation dentistry can help you
. That way, you can get the dental care you need for a healthy smile. Dr. Yun can help you explore your options for sedation dentistry so you have peace of mind.What is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry focuses on relieving stress and pain through sedation. The three types of sedation dentistry are laughing gasand oral sedation.
All three methods have their place within sedation dentistry. But your medical history and other factors will determine the right choice for you.
Laughing Gas
Laughing gas (also known as nitrous oxide) is safe for children and adults. This is because you are aware and awake during the procedure.
If you have a dental phobia, your dentist may recommend laughing gas to help you relax in the chair. We’ll gently place a mask over your nose and tell you to breathe deep. It only takes a few moments for the laughing gas to start working.
Unlike other types of sedation dentistry, laughing gas is quick to wear off. This means that you’ll be able to drive yourself home or return to work. If your child had laughing gas, they’ll be able to return to school after their appointment.
Laughing gas carries the least risk compared to other sedation methods. Any side effects stop once we remove the mask.
We can use laughing gas for everything, from teeth cleanings to root canals. But keep in mind that intensive procedures will need more than laughing gas to prevent pain. For example, you'll need a local anesthetic to numb a tooth that needs a filling.
Oral Sedation
Dr. Yun will need to write you a prescription for oral (pill) sedation. Since oral sedation makes you feel drowsy, you’ll also need someone to drive you to and from our office.
Your safety is always our first priority. This is why we give you thorough directions so you know what to expect. For example, you may need to fast several hours before your appointment. For this reason, many patients schedule their appointments in the morning.
Oral sedation may make you drowsy enough to fall asleep. But we’ll be able to easily shake you awake if we need you to cooperate with the dentist. For example, Dr. Yun may ask you during the procedure to tilt your head so he can better access a tooth.
If your child receives oral sedation, you’ll need to keep them home after their appointment. You’ll need to supervise your child for the rest of the day while the medication wears off.
Learn More About Sedation Dentistry
Dr. Suk Jun Yun and his team want to make sure each patient feels safe and comfortable in the dentist’s chair.
Ready to request an appointment with our Grand Rapids dentist? Call the NorthPointe Family Dental & Implant Center at (616) 288-6134.
This blog post has been updated.