
How to Look Younger with Dental Implants

How to Look Younger with Dental Implants Grand Rapids, MI

Who doesn't want to look younger? If you've lost one or more teeth, your dentist may recommend dental implants to restore your smile.

Getting older doesn't mean you have to accept missing teeth and poor oral health. Implants look and function like natural teeth so you can eat, talk, and smile with confidence.

Here’s how dental implants help you look younger while maintaining a healthy smile.

Improve Oral Health

Dental implants affect more than just the appearance of your smile—they also improve oral health. As soon as you lose a tooth, you are at risk for further tooth loss, jawbone deterioration, and facial collapse.

Facial collapse not only changes the shape of your face but makes you look older. Fortunately, our dental implant dentist can help you find a solution that works for your smile. For example, our dentist may recommend implant-supported dentures or all-on-6 dental implants if you're missing several teeth.

It's never too late to improve your oral health. If you've already lost bone density in your jaw, ask our dentist if you're a candidate for a bone graft or mini dental implants. Unlike their full-sized counterparts, mini implants are placed in one appointment and don't require as much bone structure.

Smile with Confidence

If you've ever felt self-conscious about missing teeth, you owe it to yourself to schedule an appointment with our dental implant dentist. Many of our patients report feeling more confident after getting dental implants.

Unlike dentures, you don't have to worry about avoiding certain foods or learning how to speak around a bulky oral appliance. Dental implants look and function like natural teeth.

A smile conveys confidence and optimism, which is important for forming good first impressions. How people respond to you often forms the basis of personal relationships and business partnerships. You owe it to yourself to show the world the best side of you.

Avoid Dentures

There are many ways in which we age. However, simply shrugging off poor teeth as part of aging can undermine more than your looks. People who wear dentures for years will eventually experience facial collapse once their lower jaw deteriorates enough. When this happens, it becomes difficult to refit dentures so patients can chew without pain.

Request an appointment with our dentist to learn more about the differences between dentures and dental implants.

Protect Remaining Healthy Teeth

If you've lost your teeth due to aging, injury, or illness, call our dentist as soon as possible to explore your tooth replacement options. Dental implants can help you look years younger by filling the gaps in your smile and preventing further tooth loss.

Without a tooth implant, surrounding teeth will tilt toward the open space and eventually fall out. Dental implants replace missing teeth so you can potentially look younger than your chronological age.

Request a Consultation with Dr. Yun

Dr. Suk Jun Yun has experience treating patients of all ages and can help you understand how aging affects your teeth, gums, and jawbone. Whether you are interested in dental implants or other options, you can count on his expertise. To request a consultation with our Grand Rapids dentist, call the NorthPointe Family Dental & Implant Center at northpointefamilydental@gmail.com.

This blog post has been updated.